My favorite Ranch Salad Dressing is now low carb, THM S! I took this dressing over to an injured friend the other day and she said: “This stuff is so good we should make it and sell it!” We had a good laugh thinking about what fun that would be; then I told her that I planned on offering it on my blog since it is even better… Continue Reading
Thousand Island Salad Dressing (Sugar Free, S)
If the only Thousand Island Salad Dressing you’ve ever eaten has been from a bottle, then you are in for a very pleasant surprise! I’m adding this recipe to my salad dressing line up and we use it interchangeably with our favorite Ranch Dressing. By my standards thousand island dressing should have a smooth, slightly sweet, creamy flavor, a light bumpy texture and a creamy. pinkish, color. I have never found a… Continue Reading