This Sugar Free Caramel Syrup (FP) was originally created to top my Apple Cinnamon Cheesecakes (E) a couple of years ago. I’d intended to make a separate post of it then, but I’m finally getting it done because people continue to tag me in post saying how much they love it on pancakes and waffles etc. This recipe uses a small amount of on plan xanthan gum to thicken it but… Continue Reading
Easy Breezy Strawberry Syrup
Easy Breezy Strawberry Syrup THM-FP, Low-Carb, Low-Fat This is an incredibly flavorful, sliced berry syrup/sauce that I’ve been making in one form or another since starting this eating plan. I figured out pretty quickly that I needed refreshing fruit syrup that I could basically eat in any setting, although strawberries do contain a few carbs, this syrup satisfies the sweet tooth when combined with a protein source like this… Continue Reading
Rich Buttered Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Rich Buttered Sugar-Free Maple Syrup, THM-S or FP This syrup is a delicious (realistic) accompaniment to low-carb or low-fat pancakes and waffles. In the years since discovering how to make a nice little FP (low fat/low carb) syrup and posting about it on my old blog, I’ve intended to come up with one that is a totally rich, decadent, S (low carb/KETO) maple-flavored syrup. A syrup that reminds you of one… Continue Reading
Sugar (Free) Syrup with Gentle Sweet
I grew up watching my grandmother make what she called “sugar syrup”. You put the water in the pan and get it hot then you mix in the sugar and flavorings and boil! So, when I started Trim Healthy Mama it was for life; after trying a few sugar free syrups, I realized that I’d have to put the fond memory of these delicious homemade syrups behind me and just… Continue Reading