THM-S, Low Carb
I really enjoy recreating these coffee drinks and can usually get a pretty good idea of what’s in them by just tasting them. (And yes, I do take one for the team when a new drink comes out, and you’re welcome! ;)) This Sugar Free Mock Chestnut Praline Latte was a more complex drink to analyze than the others though and I was beginning to think that I might have to settle for “hey this is way better than nothing if you’re really wanting a Chestnut Praline type latte”. In fact I actually had to go in to a coffee house and watch them make this one before I was able to find my missing element. Then I went back home, armed with a theory of how to adjust my lame Sugar Free Mock Chestnut Praline Latte -ish syrup and IT WORKED!
If you’ve been missing these warm and wonderful sugary drinks while on the fantastic Trim Healthy Mama diet plan or any other sugar free diet, I really believe this Sugar Free Mock Chestnut Praline Latte will hit that spot! As with most of my coffee drinks this one is based on a latte syrup that serves 4 and keeps for days in the fridge for unexpected guests, or just whenever you want to warm up to a nice, low carb, sugar free coffee drink.
Although the Sugar Free Mock Chestnut Praline Latte is my latest effort I have many other flavors available too, including the Mock Cinnamon Dolce, Pumpkin Spice Latte Syrup, Peppermint Mocha, Salted Caramel Mocha, Mock Gingerbread Latte, Tiramisu Smoothie and the Iced Caramel Macchiato and I rounded them up a few months ago when I posted Sugar Free Coffee House Syrups.
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To make the latte syrup:
1 cup hot water – Heat to boiling and remove from heat then whisk in:
1/2 cup Gentle Sweet or 1/4 cup Pyure or Truvia
1 dash of mineral salt
1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum – A binder to make sure the ingredients hold together in storage.
1 teaspoon hazelnut flavoring – I used Watkins from Wal-mart or see link avoid McCormicks hazelnut!
1/4 teaspoon caramel flavoring – Watkins
1/4 teaspoon pumpkin spice liquid flavoring – Watkins
1/4 (generous) teaspoon molasses (optional but gives a deeper flavor)
After whisking thoroughly, pour this mixture into a tight fitting jar and refrigerate until ready to use but mine has alway been fine if left out for short periods occasionally too.
Remember for each 8 oz of coffee you need to add up to 1/4 cup of the latte syrup and 1 or 2 tablespoons of cream.
For extra protein I add in 1 tablespoon collagen protein, mixed in with a frothier.
Optionally in place of just plain cream you can do a combination of 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk and 2 tablespoons cream to make it milkier. Enjoy your guilt free, THM friendly, low carb coffee drink!
I have been using the Watkins extracts for recipe testing because they are fairly high quality, easily available and inexpensive so I believe that they have their place. Since I don’t put ingredients in my recipes that I haven’t tested and would use at least occasionally, I test with those and can recommend them. As a personal preference I use as close to pure extracts as I can find and plan to ask for these as Christmas grows nearer!
Sugar Free Mock Chestnut Praline Latte
To make the latte syrup:
- 1 cup hot water - Heat to boiling and remove from heat then whisk in:
- 1/2 cup Gentle Sweet or 1/4 cup Pyure or Truvia
- 1 dash of mineral salt
- 1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum - A binder to make sure the ingredients hold together in storage.
- 1 teaspoon hazelnut flavoring - I used Watkins from Wal-mart or see link avoid McCormicks hazelnut!
- 1/4 teaspoon caramel flavoring - Watkins
- 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin spice liquid flavoring - Watkins
- 1/4 (generous) teaspoon molasses (optional but gives a deeper flavor)
After whisking thoroughly, pour this mixture into a tight fitting jar and refrigerate until ready to use but mine has alway been fine if left out for short periods occasionally too.
- Remember for each 8 oz of coffee you need to add up to 1/4 cup of the latte syrup and 1 or 2 tablespoons of cream.
- For extra protein I add in 1 tablespoon collagen protein, mixed in with a frothier.
- Optionally in place of just plain cream you can do a combination of 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk and 2 tablespoons cream to make it milkier.
- Enjoy your guilt free, THM friendly, low carb coffee drink!
sugar free taste just as good or even better than the ones with high sugary content! Well done.
Thanks Erik! I’m always glad to hear that these recipes are a help. 🙂
A guilt-full Chestnut Praline Latte has been my only cheat after 18 months of no sugar. I’m so happy to find this recipe and am sipping a wonderful, guilt-free, toasty CPL as I type. You’re a genius! I can’t wait to make and share your other latte syrups with my diabetic mother (who keeps getting herself in trouble with coffeehouse drinks). This will be a game changer for her. Thank you!
Thanks, Jess, I’m so glad to hear this!
Since when is molasses sugar free and keto?
Hi Jane. I’m actually a Trim Healthy Mama blogger but many of my recipes are compatible with a keto diet as is this one. Blackstrap molasses is used – but never more than 1 tsp per the entire recipe to mimic the flavor of brown sugar in recipes by keto bloggers as well.
I mixed this up this morning and it is very good! I did need to counter the truvia with another sweetener to cut the bitter a bit more. Maybe I didn’t add enough salt to counter the stevia. I also remembered that I always used to get an extra shot in my latte, so I may add a teaspoon of espresso next time as well. I used a Starbucks Via Instant Columbia to test. I feel like a little dash of cinnamon might be good too! Thanks for all your effort! It was hard to find that hazelnut extract!
Hi Leslie. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Glad you were able to work out the sweetener sub. I think the instant coffees can have some extra flavors going on that can affect the purity of the coffee flavors too, for me. I really like the cold brews but I need to update these drinks for use with espresso machines, <3! I hope you get to try more of these soon and I LOVE the feedback. 😀